Academy Trust Solutions
With the increase in popularity of Academy Trusts comes greater autonomy and choice for the schools which they support. Greater autonomy means that schools within a trust have more choice of who they work with and procure services from and as such have access to a greater range of products and services, which very often offer better value than those offered by the Local Education Authority.
Academy trusts benefit hugely from a cohesive ICT strategy spanning all sites and administrative centres within the trust. Broadband4 specialise in the build and deployment of bespoke solutions for Academy Trusts. Such solutions include the ability for all schools to be connected to the same network for data sharing, converged voice solutions allowing free site to site communication and the ability to “hot desk” between sites (especially useful where staff are shared across sites) and common ICT and E-Safety Policies reducing the overhead for Trust ICT Teams who are now managing much larger networks.
​In the common scenario where multiple trust sites are connected to different ISPs (especially common where sites span LEA boundaries) or are at different stages of contract, Broadband4's "off net" product uses unique tunnelling technology to traverse a third party network and deliver traffic directly into our core network.
​The Broadband4 Off Net product allows a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) to integrate all sites simultaneously using a mixture of access technologies. Out of contract sites can be migrated immediately onto the Broadband4 network using FTTC or leased line and in contract sites (where bandwidth is considered sufficient) can connect to Broadband4 using Off Net.
​Once connected regardless of method, all sites can benefit from the full portfolio of Broadband4 services, including Managed Firewall, Lightspeed Web Filtering, Site to Site connectivity and converged voice solutions.
​Sites connected to the Broadband4 Off Net product can seamlessly upgrade to a direct connection once the existing connection is out of contract.