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Why Broadband4?

Since internet access became mainstream in education, the supply of services was almost entirely in the domain of the Local Education Authority. Since the deprecation of the Harnessing Technology grant, schools are faced with the ever increasing costs of internet connectivity with very few alternative options.

Connectivity solutions from Broadband4 offer fantastic value and significant cost savings over internet access solutions from Local Education Authorities. A typical primary school could save up to 70% over a solution from an LEA (around £10,000 - £15,000 over a 3 year period)


With the number of academies and free schools on the increase, the need for robust and reliable alternatives to LEA provision is increasingly prevalent. Broadband4 is part of SchoolCare who have been providing ICT solutions to schools for the past 35 years. Our product set has been designed to provide all the services and solutions required by education as part of a complete package.


All Broadband4 products are offered as managed services, whilst allowing schools to control as much or as little of their service as they like. School’s with an onsite ICT team may wish to control all aspects of their internet access and web filtering in house, whilst smaller primary schools with limited onsite ICT resource can entrust all aspects to our dedicated account management and engineering teams. Whichever you choose you can rest assured our teams are available every step of the way.


Broadband4 source connectivity services from best of breed UK service providers and manage all filtering and associated products within our own UK datacentre facilities in multiple UK locations. By maintaining a high level of control over the services we provide and reducing the reliance on third parties, means Broadband4 can ensure we maintain a consistently high level of service for our customers and allowing us to respond quickly and efficiently in the unlikely event of a service issue.

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