With access to high speed internet services from all major UK Carriers, Broadband4 are able to offer a complete portfolio of communications solutions to the education sector, with 99% UK Coverage.
From 10Mbps to 10Gbps, delivered using a choice of FTTC, Fibre Leased Lines and Wireless Services.
All our connections include a managed firewall, 24/7 support and monitoring.
web filtering
Managed Web Filtering powered by Lightspeed systems, ensures compliance, student safety, flexible policies, reporting, and access to valuable web resources—without over blocking.
Integrated with your onsite systems, filtering solutions from Lightspeed allow a complete granular control of your filtering
voice services
More and more users are seeing the benefit of converged network services. Broadband4 offer managed voice services over a resilient high capacity network. This allows schools to save costs and ease the deployment of campus wide voice services, using your existing wired and wireless networks.

Broadband4 was introduced into PSD Group in 2014 in an effort to deliver a cost effective alternative to Local Authority Broadband Services. PSD Group has been delivering educational ICT Solutions under the SchoolCare brand since 1990 and Broadband4 draws on extensive industry knowledge and experience within the group to deliver best value broadband solutions for schools.
PSD Group took the decision to build and grow the network from the ground up, rather than reselling third party services to ensure best value and quality of services. Broadband4 is 100% owned and operated by PSD Group and always will be.
The Broadband4 network has evolved since inception and spans multiple UK data centres and interconnects with all major UK carriers as well as boutique carriers across the country through our network of partners.

Broadband4 is a 100% education focused Internet Service Provider, owned and operated by a business who specialises in the design and implementation of educational ICT Solutions.
The Broadband4 mission statement is "to provide the highest quality and best value high speed connectivity services to the education sector".
Broadband4 believe that every effort must be made to keep children and young adults safe online and as such offer industry leading solutions for Web Content Filtering and Unified Threat Management (UTM) to our customers.
Our unwavering passion for delivering best value to the education sector coupled with ISO9001 accreditation means we are always working with our providers to ensure that the highest quality of service for the lowest possible price.

As part of a Technology company with over 35 year experience, Broadband4 have access to a vast resource pool and a huge portfolio of technologies from sector leading suppliers.
Being connected to both BT Wholesale and Virgin Media Wholesale networks as well as national carriers such as SSE, Talk Talk and Sky means that you can be assured of the maximum capacity and performance for your school.
With boutique carriers such as FibreCity extending their network reach and offering circuits of up to 1Gbps, connection to the Broadband4 Core network has never been more cost effective.
Our "Off Net" product is a unique Broadband4 offering for potential customers who are in contract with their current provider but wish to take advantage of our portfolio of Broadband4 products such as Lightspeed Web Filtering. Broadband4 "Off Net" is ideally suited to academy trusts who have some sites which are currently in contract and some which are not. Connecting out of contract sites directly and in contract sites using Broadband4 "Off Net" , all sites can benefit from improved Web Content Filtering, site to site communication and Voice Services.
Broadband4 deliver connectivity services over the BT OpenReach national Fibre Optic FTTC Network as well as dedicated Fibre Optic Leased Lines, for sites which are within reach of our Wireless Network can also connect via a dedicated 5Ghz radio link.
Broadband for Schools
With the demand for online content increasing month on month the desire for high bandwidth connectivity services is now a necessity.
With most local authority networks not being built to scale to the needs of the modern learning environment Broadband4 are uniquely positioned to deliver 100% education focussed services.
Built with flexibility in mind our core network has been designed with connectivity and peering arrangements with all major UK network providers. With a strict focus on best value our sales team will offer a connectivity solution for your school taking into account all appropriate factors (such as distance from network and possible Excess Construction Charges) to ensure the lowest Total Cost of Ownership over the contract period.
All our broadband solutions can be specified with Lightspeed Web Filtering and Managed Firewall or as a wires only service to connect to an on premises firewall or Unified Threat Management (UTM) Solution.
Web Content Filtering
E-Safety is beyond doubt the most important consideration for teachers, pupils and parents alike when considering internet access solutions. For this reason e-safety forms the cornerstone of all the educational internet access solutions we provide.
Broadband4’s Managed Content Filtering powered by Lightspeed systems (a member of the internet watch foundation) ensures compliance, student safety, flexible policies, reporting and access to valuable web resources—without over blocking.
Our Web filtering platform, provides a 360 degree filtering solution. For establishments which offer 1:1 or BYOD solutions, filtering can be applied to school owned devices both on and off the school’s network. A typical scenario would be the rollout of a 1:1 iPad solution within a school. Parents often contribute towards the cost of the device whilst the school retains the duty of care to ensure the device is safe for the pupil to use. Lightspeed filtering and MDM ensures that the mobile devices adhere to the schools web filtering policy no matter whether they are used in school or on a home broadband connection.
Our solutions offer tight integration with your onsite systems, allowing a complete granular control of your schools website access, meaning your school does not have to adhere to a central set of policies.
This flexibility is one of the key differentiators between Broadband4 and other providers because Lightspeed puts the school in control of their filtering requirements, right down to individual users.
Top level policies are in place to ensure accidental unblocking of inappropriate content is not possible and our support teams will work with you to deploy and administer your filtering policies.
Web filtering from Lightspeed systems and Broadband4 also empowers teachers to be able to make quick temporary changes to filtering rules during a lesson. This ensures that valuable lesson time is not wasted by content over blocking, which is often a key issue with other filtering solutions, including those offered by Local Education Authorities.
As a Lightspeed partner Broadband4 can also offer on premises content filtering solutions which allow you to maintain your existing broadband provision (useful if you are tied into a long contract). We also offer onsite installation and support services as part of our solution.
Voice Services
More and more schools are seeing the benefit of converged voice and data network services. This allows schools to save costs and ease the deployment of campus wide voice services, using your existing wired and wireless networks.
Voice services from Broadband4 are offered alongside our internet services and allow schools to access a resilient high capacity network which provides access to a wide range of voice functionality. No additional hardware is required onsite to access our voice services, our SIP trunking and Hosted VoIP services are provided over a dedicated port on our Service access gateway (supplied as part of our Broadband4 service).
Hosted VoIP services from Broadband4 allow VoIP handsets to be deployed anywhere on your wired and wireless network with no further hardware required. Broadband4 do not limit the number of concurrent calls over our network. Hosted VoIP Services are available from £20.00 per extension per year, which includes support and maintenance. All our Hosted VoIP services include an enterprise feature set, which includes Voicemail, call forwarding and call waiting. Your existing telephone numbers can also be brought over to the Broadband4 Voice network, with the entire process being managed by our provisioning team.
For customers who already have a VoIP phone system on site, savings can be made over traditional ISDN and Analogue Voice Services using SIP trunking services from Broadband4. Taking the place of traditional ISDN circuits, connecting your PBX to the dedicated Service Access Gateway port will allow you to take advantage of our wide range of features.
Our dedicated education Account Managers have a wealth of knowledge and experience and are able to advise how best to deploy a converged voice and data solution within your school. Installation and ongoing management is conducted by our team of education ICT engineers who will attend your site and quickly and effectively deploy your chosen solution.

The Victory Primary School
Our 200Mbps Internet Service is a vast improvement over our previous LEA Internet provision. It has changed the way we deploy ICT in the classroom.

(TEACH) Trust
As a growing trust, reliable ICT is vital to the way all our schools work. Being able to access the same services on all sites, from Filtering, WiFi and Voice as brought new levels of efficiency to the trust.

Bournemouth School
As a large secondary grammar school our reliance on ICT is heavy as it underpins the entire curriculum. With so many educational software platforms being cloud based, it is vital for us to have fast and reliable broadband. Broadband4 really delivers.